Tanya Rad

Smile always. Believe in yourself. Believe in others.

Enjoying This Season #365DaysOfSingle

Tanya Rad1 Comment

We all go through different seasons of life... 





no kids


move to a new state  

move to a new country

start a new job  

deal with illness

whatever the case may be we are all in different seasons of our life..

and if you're like me, you are always trying to rush to get to the next one. 


I never fully allow myself to enjoy the season of life that I'm currently in... Until now!!


i am committing to 365 days of single and I'm going to enjoy it for every single minute ... 


every weird date I go on -- I'll learn. Every amazing date I go on -- I'll get better. Every night I stay in -- I'll cherish. 

 Every episode of Girlfriends Guide to Divorce I want to watch back to back for hours without having to answer to anyone... You bet, I'm going to freaking enjoy it!!


