Tanya Rad

Smile always. Believe in yourself. Believe in others.


Lyric of The Day - Bea Miller "Paper Doll"

Lyric of The DayTanya RadComment

The reason why I LOVE this song so much is because in life I have encountered many people that don't believe in me.

For every 10 compliments there’s that 1 negative comment that makes you forget all the compliments…

I tend to focus my energy on that 1 person that doesn’t believe… that 1 person that doesn’t see in me what I see in myself…


And this lyric is my anthem… 

"Betcha didn’t think I knew what I was made of
Thought I would lay down
I wouldn’t stand up
Well listen up cuz you got it all wrong
This is your song, this is YOUR SONG!"


So if you, like I, have encountered people like this in your life…

Take a listen to Bea Miller’s “Paper Doll” and listen to it on REPEAT…

For as many days as necessary… until you can look back in that mirror and say “HELL YES I CAN!”

Lyric of The Day - Leona Lewis “Thunder”

Lyric of The DayTanya RadComment

"For some things to start, some have to end.."


Such a simple & short lyric with such a big meaning…

I am a creature of habit! So change isn’t the easiest thing for me to deal with….

Whether is be in my personal life, or my professional life…

I gravitate to this lyric so much because it’s a reminder… that as I move forward and start new chapters in my life, the other doors need to close… and that is OKAY!

 I often find myself holding on to things that don’t serve me… and that is only holding me back from my future goals..

So if you are going through a season of change… or being forced to close some doors in your life..

Just know when one door closes.. another (even bigger door) is getting ready to open for you.

Tuesday Tops - 8/18/2015

Tuesday TopsTanya Rad1 Comment

Every Tuesday I pick my personal top songs that I’m JAMMING to that week…. 

This week I have 3 songs to share with you for 3 very different reasons…


1) SG Lewis “Warm”

**I am living for this song this week… it’s so good but also SO not what I typically listen to! So I’m kinda loving it for being out of the norm.


2) Kygo “Firestone”

** Again, not the typical Tanya song choice but I am LOVING it right now!!! It has been on a constant repeat for the last couple of days!


3) Big Sean “One Man Can Change the World” ft/ Kanye West & John Legend

**I’ve been a big fan of this song from day 1… I just think it’s a sweet and beautiful song that deserves to be in the world! Such a sweet side of Big Sean that most people don’t get a chance to see!


So check back next Tuesday and I’ll have some more new songs for you!